Lawn Installation
- Thorough rototilling, grading, and raking of native soil (removal of all 2" diameter and larger rocks and debris).
- Topsoil amendment (1"-3"). Topsoil is rolled and prepared for grass installation.
- The finished product, 2-3 months after Hydroseed.
- Or a ready to walk on Sod Lawn!
Bed Installation
- Prior to installing the bed, a plan is developed. The plan identifies removal of existing landscaping and trees, the bed layout, plant types and positions, and the weed barrier. The plan emphasizes the mature bed. Any irrigation is also included on the plan.
- Once the plan is completed, the bed is cut, sod or vegetation removed, and the appropriate soil ammendment made. Depending upon the bed, a weed barrier, and border is installed and the plants installed. Use of accent rocks, dry creek beds, concrete and steel ornaments, and other garden items is also accomplished at this time.
Theme Gardens
Rose Gardens including ornaments and pathways. Low-spray irrigation.
Traditional Gardens including arbors and trellis's.
Rock Gardens including water features.
Low Maintenance Landscapes utilizing gravel hardscape, bark beds, & hearty plant species.
Ornamental Landscaping.